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Stoelzle Manufacturer

2022-10-06 09:38:35 1610
Stoelzle Manufacturer

Site name:Stoelzle Manufacturer


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Stoelzle Flaconnage Ltd

Site Description

For more than 200 years Stoelzle has been known for its excellence in the manufacturing of high-end glass. Our worldwide customers belong to the pharmaceutical, spirits, food, perfumery & cosmetic industry. As a special department Stoelzle Medical & Laboratory provides a wide range of Lab consumables and life science products.  


A fascination for the material of glass unites employees from all plants and offices of the Stoelzle Group. This passion is alive and well in the daily actions of glass production, in marketing and in the support departments and runs from top management through executives and glass experts to workers on the production lines.


We are Stoelzle!

Find out why our employees are so passionate about glass and proud to be part of the Stoelzle community.

Benefits for Stoelzle employees

This is what you can expect when you work for Stoelzle:

  • Employee-friendly organisation

  • Excellent development opportunities in the international field

  • Excellent internal and external training opportunities

  • Mannifold job tasks

  • Work-Life-Balance

2 femals sitting at a table and taking notes while talking

Human Resource Management

The utmost aim of the Stoelzle Glass Group is to retain employees at the company long-term. In order to achieve this, we offer an employee-friendly organisational structure, performance-oriented pay and excellent development opportunities in the international field, as well as a business division characterised by the 5-T‘s:

  • Trust

  • Transparency

  • Target Driven

  • Teamwork

  • Talent Research

Spirits bottle Isle of Harris Gin and perfume flacons decorated via digital printing

Traditional & innovative decoration

More and more customers are turning to us, to add value to their products by one or more steps of decoration. Stoelzle offers a broad range of traditional techniques in its three inhouse decoration facilities. Our expert innovation team sets focus on constantly developing new processes and techniques to further increase our range of decoration options and reduce at the same time our impact on the environment.

Different bottles with caps and closures

Caps for every bottle

As a one-stop-shop Stoelzle supplies a broad range of closures and caps for almost all our standard and customized items. We will assist you in finding the most suitable closure for your specific product and will give you advice with regard to safety, usability and design. It is our goal to ensure that the closure will harmonize with the glass packaging in order to form a perfect unit.

Technical drawing and hands of a person doing modifications

Fast product development

Our glass expert are dedicated to developing the most effective bottle for your specific product. They will evolve your idea and set up a bottle, which will perfectly convey the products emotion. Our state-of-the-art technology and equipment ensures a very short development time from the first drawing to the actual decorated glass samples. Our development teams are proud of creating more than 250 customized items per year.

Person at desk holding a stamp

Certified glass supplier

All our manufacturing sites are certified according to ISO 9001. Based on their strategic orientation, all our production plants adhere to additional standards such as GMP/ISO 15378 for pharmaceutical packing materials, or BRC Food Packaging standard.

  • ISO 9001 – Stoelzle Glass Group

  • BRC GS – Stoelzle Oberglas

  • BRC IOP – Stoelzle Częstochowa

  • ISO 15378 – Stoelzle Oberglas

  • ISO 15378 – Stoelzle Union

Ecovadis gold label inserted in forest background

Environment & energy certifications

As a glass packaging manufacturer we support the new EU Resource Efficiency Roadmap and provide products made from permanent material for a true Circular Economy. We also are aware of our energy intensive production and strive in all processes and technologies to balance this impact with constant investment and improvements.

  • ISO 14001 – Stoelzle Oberglas

  • ISO 14001 – Stoelzle Union

  • ISO 50001 – Stoelzle Masnières

  • ISO 50001 – Stoelzle Masnières Decoration

  • ISO 50001 – Stoelzle Union